To see throughout Canada healthy leaders, leading healthy churches that transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
To help Christian leaders join together to be encouraged, focused, and equipped to pursue the unique work God has placed on their hearts

Just like Aaron and Hur supported Moses during the attack on the Israelites (Exod 17:12), we are to support one another in the call to ministry. By keeping leaders’ hands high, we help them win their battles. The imagery from Exodus is not only reflected in the name and mission of Aaron Ministries, but also in our logo, wherein Moses’ rod connects the two A’s.

- One God: externally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- One Lord Jesus Christ: our Saviour, God manifested in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatoral work and substitutionary death, and His personal return in power and glory
- The Holy Spirit: by whose indwelling the believer is enabled to live a holy life to live and work for the Lord Jesus Christ
- The Word of God: originally given by God, divinely inspired, entirely trustworthy; and the only supreme authority in all maters of faith and conduct
- The Resurrection: of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation
- The Salvation: of the lost and self-centred sinful nature of humanity through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith in Him, apart from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit
- The Unity in the Spirit: of all true believers, the Body of Chris; visible in gathered communities and in cooperative mission

During prayer walks in 2000, God began to speak to Dwight Habermehl about a ministry that would support pastoral leaders, and through them, Atlantic Canadian churches. God gave Dwight a vision for churches working together across denominational lines, building one another up, experiencing new health and vitality, and increasing the harvest.
Dwight spent the next year meeting with pastoral leaders, noticing three commonalities in each conversation. These pastors 1) had a desire to experience the Lordship of Christ in their lives and congregations, 2) recognized that engaging in ministry meant engaging in spiritual battle, and 3) acknowledged the challenge of leading the Church into harvest.
In 2002, Dwight invited leaders to come together and develop a vision that would address these three areas. From this meeting, a leadership team was chosen, and “The Well” was born. In 2003, Aaron was introduced to CRM (now ReFocus.org), helping leaders gain clarity in mapping their future focus and calling, personally and professionally, under the Lord’s direction.
Well gatherings became a place of mutual encouragement. Each month, a different pastor spoke to issues of church leadership from their own journey, followed by small groups discussions that sought to personalize these lessons.
Attendance grew from Halifax leaders to others in the province, creating the need for a second Well in Middleton in 2005 and a third in the South Shore in 2012. In line with Aaron’s goal of equipping, the ministry has hosted several conferences and workshops over the years, including ‘Lead Like Jesus Now’, ‘Boundaries’, ‘Transform’, ‘Effective Church Governance’, and online webinars. Since its beginnings, the Well has maintained its vision of healthy leaders, and has continued to grow, now hosting leaders from more than twenty denominations.